Tuesday 21 June 2011

When Drake Met His Roots, Again!

The Degrassi star, Aubrey Drake Graham, found himself returning to his roots when he performed recently for Andrew Zucker in New York City.

Andrew Zucker is Jeff Zucker’s son. Jeff, as you may know, is the former president and CEO of NBC/Universal. His son Andrew was getting bar mitzvahed recently, and Drake performed at the event. 

According to Jewish traditions, the ceremony is performed when children reach the age of 13. The ceremony is a sign (sort of an oath) of them becoming responsible for all their actions from now onwards. It also means that they will be responsible towards the Jewish ritual laws and ethics. 
Aubrey Drake is one of the favorite performers of Andrew’s, and wanted him to be at the part of the ceremony and perform. But the ceremony held importance in the life of Drake as well, as he too is a Jew, and he went through the same ceremony when he was a 13-year-old kid. 

Surely, he would have felt great on attending the event! 

Well, watching him in Degrassi gives us our best moments, the reason why we still try to get Degrassi download of the installments that has Drake in them. Well, no reason to stop the habit, is there?

Tuesday 10 May 2011

Its a Matter of Love and Life on Degrassi The Next Generation Season 10 episode 44!

There’s much hullabaloo among Degrassi fans these days, and with much reason too!
After all, it’s a matter of love and life, on the forthcoming episode of Degrassi The Next Generation.

All fans have set their eyes on the next episode, as it will reveal the fate of Clare and Eli’s relationship.


The episode would prove worth the wait once again and would show that everything should be within a limit, otherwise, it can lead to a whole myriad of troubles.


Don’t be friends, as I’m here to clear the air for you!

The flight of surprises would take-off, on Julia’s death anniversary, as it will introduce a new twist to the dwindling love story of Clare and Eli.

From the past few episodes, fans are finding it difficult to understand the change in Eli’s behavior. His excessive attraction towards Clare has made him stable, but due to this, he’s displaying a weird attitude. He’s showing so much fondness towards Clare, that she’s getting irritated by this extreme indulgence of Eli in her personal life.

Well, possessiveness is good, but only to a certain point.

To love someone, you aren’t required to stick like a magnet to your loved one. You can express your love, even while giving him/her some personal space.

I think this is the lesson that Eli needs to learn, in order to win Clare’s heart.

Watch Degrassi The Next Generation season 10 episode 44 online, to see if something weird is happening to Eli or if he is still struggling to come to terms with Julia’s demise?

In any case, he needs guidance.

For the sake of all ardent Degrassi admirers, Eli would be provided with the required consultation by his father, Bullfrog.

It’s Clare herself, who’ll approach Bullfrog for his valuable tips on relationships!

So, there’s definitely going to be a downpour on our loved couple - it could be love or death, as rumors have it that the duo might abode to heaven in a forthcoming episode, due to some unfavorable circumstances.

Check all this out for yourself!